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Author Archives: Pandora Hui

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Launching of Enhanced CIC BIM Portal Object Library

Organized by CIC, “Launching of Enhanced CIC BIM Portal Object Library” webinar was held on 1 June 2022. New features of enhanced BIM object library and BIM standards-related publication pages in the CIC BIM Portal have been introduced during the event.

The Family Library Interchange Programme (F.L.I.P.), co-developed by A.C.I.D. and Autodesk, is now fully adopted and implemented by CIC. The ownership and maintenance of F.L.I.P. was handed over to CIC and the history of F.L.I.P. Master Type List was shared during the webinar.

Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., also joined the event as a representative of F.L.I.P.


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Adoption of Common Data Environment in Projects

On 1 June 2022, Architectural Services Department arranged an internal sharing session for 2 projects – Yau Ma Tei Theatre Phase 2 and Fu Shan Public Mortuary. As the BIM consultant of the 2 projects, Mr David Fung, our Managing Director, shared the adoption of CDE during the design and construction stage, as well as presented how CDE has improved the collaboration and design coordination. He also introduced new function of IM-CDE during the event.


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HKABAEIMA CPD Event cum Presentation of Certificates – OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City

Organized by The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA), the CPD Event cum Presentation of Certificates (OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City)  was held on 8 September 2021 at CIC’s Zero Carbon Park.

This event features short sharings by trainers and trainee representatives, plus a talk delivered by Mr Ben Chan (Deputy Director of Lands) and Dr Calvin Kam on the topic “OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City”, followed by the presentation of certificates to candidates for HKIP BIM+GIS Program and bSI Professional Certification Foundation (PCERT) Program.

Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was the trainer for the HKIP BIM+GIS Program, he was also one of the certificate recipients of the PCERT Program.

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Organized by HKABAEIMA (Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations), a hybrid event (physical for members and online watching for others) titled “CDE Fever” was successfully held at Zero Carbon Park yesterday. Mr. LAI Chi Wah, Andrew, Director of Lands, was the Guest of Honour of the event. He delivered a keynote speech on the work of the Lands Department in developing 3-D digital map and the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Representatives from eight companies introduced their CDE system features, advantages and how they comply with CIC BIM Standards (General) and ISO 19650, then followed by panel discussions.

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HKABAEIMA meeting with Buildings Department

On the afternoon of 2nd July 2021, representatives from HKABAEIMA (Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations) have a meeting with staff from Buildings Department at the Department’s headquarters in West Kowloon Government Offices. HKABAEIMA shared their views on the openBIM approach for e-Submission and the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) development during the meeting.

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CIC BIMCAS Certificates Presentation Ceremony cum Sharing Session with Assessors

To express its gratitude to the contribution of assessors in the BIMCAS (BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes), CIC has organized a Certificates Presentation Ceremony cum Sharing Session with Assessors on 22 April 2021 at CIC BIM Space.  Each assessor has been presented a Certificate of Appreciation during the ceremony.  Assessors also shared their opinions on the BIMCAS during the sharing session. Mr. David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., is one of the assessors of the BIMCAS.







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Launching Ceremony of the New Edition of CIC BIM Standards

The CIC continues collaborate with key stakeholders to develop and enhance the BIM Standards to meet the local industry needs.  A series of new edition of CIC BIM Standards were published on CIC BIM Portal in December 2020.  The Launching Ceremony has been held on 27 January 2021 in the format of webinar.

CIC BIM Standards – General (Version 2 – December 2020) contains major enhancements to align with ISO 19650’s Information Management principles, workflows and requirements, and also providing Hong Kong Local Annex of ISO 19650-2:2018.  A.C.I.D is the consultant of this new version.




CIC BIM Standards General V2 Dec2020



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A.C.I.D. awarded CIC BIM Achievement 2020 – BIM Organisations

Aiming to inspire organisations and practitioners to continually be creative, innovative, transformative or disruptive in bringing BIM to its full potential, CIC (Construction Industry Council) celebrated and recognised three categories of achievement this year: BIM Projects, BIM Organisations and BIMers.  Through this event,  all stakeholders can recognise and share the achievements of these BIM organisations and practitioners.

The Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 has been successfully held as an online virtual event at 2:30pm on 10 November 2020. Winners shared their achievement on the adoption and promotion of BIM during the webinar.

A.C.I.D. was selected as one of the BIM Organisations 2020.










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CIC BIM Competition 2019 Awardees Sharing Session

CIC organized its first BIM Competition under the theme “BIM for design collaboration” in 2019. An Awardees Sharing Session was held on 18 Jan 2020 at CIC BIM Space.

As the recipient of 1st Runner-up in the Open Category, representatives from our company shared with the audience how to fully utilise the BIM technology to create a functional and aesthetic design.







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A.C.I.D. received Grand Award in HKIBIM Award 2019 Consulting Firm Category

HKIBIM Award 2019 presents a valuable opportunity for industry professionals to showcase their efforts and achievements in promoting the use of BIM.  The Award is divided into four categories: Employer, Consulting firms, Contractor and Academic institution / Training centres.

The Award presentation ceremony was successfully held on 9 January 2020 at New World Millennium, Hong Kong.   A.C.I.D. was one of the recipients of Grand Award in Consulting Firm Category.


HKIBIM Award 2019_01_02
