HKABAEIMA CPD Event cum Presentation of Certificates – OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City
Organized by The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA), the CPD Event cum Presentation of Certificates (OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City) was held on 8 September 2021 at CIC’s Zero Carbon Park.
This event features short sharings by trainers and trainee representatives, plus a talk delivered by Mr Ben Chan (Deputy Director of Lands) and Dr Calvin Kam on the topic “OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City”, followed by the presentation of certificates to candidates for HKIP BIM+GIS Program and bSI Professional Certification Foundation (PCERT) Program.
Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was the trainer for the HKIP BIM+GIS Program, he was also one of the certificate recipients of the PCERT Program.