• hongkong@a-c-i-d.com

  • +852 3468 5250

  • +852 9464 3243

  • +852 3585 5599


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Our Managing Director Mr. David Fung was elected as the Chairman of HKIBIM

The 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (HKIBIM) was held at the CIC Zero Carbon Building on 12 March 2015. Our Managing Director Mr. David Fung was elected as the Chairman for the year term 2015– 2017.



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Our Managing Director Mr. David Fung awarded CIC BIMer of the Year

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Aiming to recognize the construction practitioners who have spearheaded an effort in the harnessing of BIM technology and processes to further design, construction and project excellence, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) initiates an industry-wide Building Information Modelling (BIM) Excellence Awards.

Under the category of BIMer of the Year, the nominee requirements include: show leadership in BIM implementation to strive for excellence for the industry; demonstrate effective change management in adopting the evolutionary shift of BIM; encourage continuous innovative development of construction in relation to BIM as well as at the capacity of person.

After a rigorous selection process, our Managing Director Mr. David Fung has been chosen to receive the BIMer of the Year Award. The Award Presentation Ceremony will be held on 11 March, 2015 in Sky100 at International Commerce Centre.




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FLIP Training Courses Available for Registration

Jointly organized by A.C.I.D. and Autodesk, two full-day training courses on Revit FLIP Families will be held on January 29, 2015 and February 5, 2015 at BIM Studio. Both courses are available for registration now.

Please visit the following web link for some background information about FLIP: http://aiab.org/index.php/background

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AIAB Annual Conference 2014

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The AIAB Annual Conference was held on 9th December 2014 at Hong Kong Design Institute. Our Managing Director Mr. David Fung was invited to be one of the speakers to share the practical experiences on using BIM in our company’s project workflow. The topic he presented was “From Reality to Virtuality and Back to Reality”.


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Workshop on BIM Awareness

The Workshop on BIM Awareness was organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects on 18th November 2014. As one of the BIM experts in the building and construction industry in Hong Kong, our Managing Director Mr. David Fung shared on the topic “Fake BIM, Half BIM, True BIM” in the workshop.


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AIAB Master Class – Demo of the FLIP project for Revit users

Date: 17-Dec-2014
Time: 19:00 – 20:30

Polytechnic University
Address: Room Z405, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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Autodesk 香港開設 BIM 創新中心助統一工程業界標準

Autodesk Asia Pte 宣布與 ACID 合作,攜手在香港成立首間以建築信息模擬技術(BIM)為核心的卓越創新中心。透過全新 Autodesk 平台讓建築及工程業界專業人士分享和交流設計,以促進及統一本地不同企業在 BIM 運用時的設計技術發展。




CoE 計劃推動 BIM 在業界普及發展

Autodesk 和 ACID 攜手合作成立 BIM 卓越創新中心(BIM CoE)的目的,是讓本港建築及工程業界專業人士有一個互動平台可分享及交流設計,透過這資訊共享平台促進及統一設計技術的標準,從而協助企業節省時間及經濟成本。該平台上的共享資訊,可讓企業能專注於開發更新穎獨特的項目設計,而非各自浪費資源,然後與其他業界夥伴作交流,推動本地的城市基礎設施發展。

CoE 的啟動可協助本地設計師、建築及工程業界人士解決行內挑戰。透過創新的 Revit 及 Autodesk BIM 解決方案,此技術將改變樓宇、基礎設施及公共設施的策劃、設計、興建及管理方法。Autodesk BIM 解決方案可將資訊轉化成獨到的分析,並在業務發展過程中提升其商業價值。

CoE 可於 ACID 或用戶的所在地提供個別的工作平台,用戶可與專家交流、討論設計趨勢及最佳工作模式,並可透過試用 BIM 創新解決方案,展示即時雛型設計示範及實現概念性設計的發展。為了推動設計與建築更廣泛的標準統一化及效率,此平台鼓勵所有建築及工程業界的成員參與和分享設計,以確保平台的共享資訊得以有效增長。


FLIP 專案促進 BIM 構件統一標準 

ACID 執行總監馮樹堅指出,BIM 在建築工程業界應用廣泛,但由於全球各地不同文化問題,令有關技術在本地化時出現欠缺統一性的問題。他以砌模型為例,樂高積木跟普通積木不同,把它們兩者放在一起砌是不可能的,即使同樣是積木也好,也必須統一才能組合起來。

而 BIM 也是一樣,雖然網路上很多現有的構件可以下載使用,在設計時只需把它們砌入設計圖中即可,但問題是這些構件是否統一標準?他指出,有些構件是以美國為本來設計,在尺寸、量度單位等項目上未必適合香港的圖則,甚至可能不符香港的法例。

而是次 ACID 跟 Autodesk 的合作便推展了 FLIP 計劃,透過一個雲端互動平台,讓業界公司在把這些外國的構件本地化後,上傳給其他同行免費使用。馮樹堅表示此舉可減少因不同公司各自做本地化翻譯,而浪費資源和無法統一的問題,並更有效促進業界使用 BIM 技術來設計。




以 BIM 重塑建築及工程業界模式 

馮樹堅在雙方合作協議簽署儀式上表示,很高興與 Autodesk 結為策略性合作夥伴:「透過與 Autodesk 攜手開創 BIM 卓越創新中心,我們期望為本地建築及工程業界大幅提升長遠業務發展效率。憑著建築及工程業界的參與及分享,此平台將為現時業界發展帶來重大影響。」

Autodesk 台灣、香港暨澳門地區總經理李煥明博士在儀式上補充:「作為設計引領變革的領導者,Autodesk 為設計師及其他用戶提供形形色色、領先市場的科技和工具,讓他們可按其意念,以前所未有的能力創建和重新塑造世界。」

「3D 打印以至 BIM 等科技正在重塑創建未來的方法,讓我們能夠締結更美好及更可持續發展的未來。Autodesk 將繼續為所有專業人士及業餘愛好者提供最好的解決方案,投放更多資源研發創新科技,實現透過更高生產力、效率及可持續發展性來創建未來。」她說。



Retrieved from https://unwire.pro/2014/11/01/autodesk-hk-1st-bim-coe/news/