To celebrate its 2nd anniversary, The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) organized a special event titled “OpenData towards a Smart City” on 23 November at CIC’s Zero Carbon Park.
This event starts with a keynote address delivered by Ms Bernadette LINN, JP (Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning & Lands), followed by the signing of MOU between HKABAEIMA and Smart City Consortium and presentation of certificates of buildingSMART Professional Certification – Foundation Programme. There are also sharings on BIM Horizontal Harmonization for BIM/GIS Integration and buildingSMART Experience.
Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., presented on buildingSMART Experience titled “Sharing of International experience from Virtual Summit” during the event.
Organized by The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA), the CPD Event cum Presentation of Certificates (OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City) was held on 8 September 2021 at CIC’s Zero Carbon Park.
This event features short sharings by trainers and trainee representatives, plus a talk delivered by Mr Ben Chan (Deputy Director of Lands) and Dr Calvin Kam on the topic “OpenBIM and OpenGIS for a Smarter City”, followed by the presentation of certificates to candidates for HKIP BIM+GIS Program and bSI Professional Certification Foundation (PCERT) Program.
Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was the trainer for the HKIP BIM+GIS Program, he was also one of the certificate recipients of the PCERT Program.
Organized by HKABAEIMA (Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations), a hybrid event (physical for members and online watching for others) titled “CDE Fever” was successfully held at Zero Carbon Park yesterday. Mr. LAI Chi Wah, Andrew, Director of Lands, was the Guest of Honour of the event. He delivered a keynote speech on the work of the Lands Department in developing 3-D digital map and the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Representatives from eight companies introduced their CDE system features, advantages and how they comply with CIC BIM Standards (General) and ISO 19650, then followed by panel discussions.
On the afternoon of 2nd July 2021, representatives from HKABAEIMA (Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations) have a meeting with staff from Buildings Department at the Department’s headquarters in West Kowloon Government Offices. HKABAEIMA shared their views on the openBIM approach for e-Submission and the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) development during the meeting.