• hongkong@a-c-i-d.com

  • +852 3468 5250

  • +852 9464 3243

  • +852 3585 5599


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CIC BIMCAS Certificates Presentation Ceremony cum Sharing Session with Assessors

To express its gratitude to the contribution of assessors in the BIMCAS (BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes), CIC has organized a Certificates Presentation Ceremony cum Sharing Session with Assessors on 22 April 2021 at CIC BIM Space.  Each assessor has been presented a Certificate of Appreciation during the ceremony.  Assessors also shared their opinions on the BIMCAS during the sharing session. Mr. David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., is one of the assessors of the BIMCAS.







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Launching Ceremony of the New Edition of CIC BIM Standards

The CIC continues collaborate with key stakeholders to develop and enhance the BIM Standards to meet the local industry needs.  A series of new edition of CIC BIM Standards were published on CIC BIM Portal in December 2020.  The Launching Ceremony has been held on 27 January 2021 in the format of webinar.

CIC BIM Standards – General (Version 2 – December 2020) contains major enhancements to align with ISO 19650’s Information Management principles, workflows and requirements, and also providing Hong Kong Local Annex of ISO 19650-2:2018.  A.C.I.D is the consultant of this new version.




CIC BIM Standards General V2 Dec2020



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A.C.I.D. awarded CIC BIM Achievement 2020 – BIM Organisations

Aiming to inspire organisations and practitioners to continually be creative, innovative, transformative or disruptive in bringing BIM to its full potential, CIC (Construction Industry Council) celebrated and recognised three categories of achievement this year: BIM Projects, BIM Organisations and BIMers.  Through this event,  all stakeholders can recognise and share the achievements of these BIM organisations and practitioners.

The Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 has been successfully held as an online virtual event at 2:30pm on 10 November 2020. Winners shared their achievement on the adoption and promotion of BIM during the webinar.

A.C.I.D. was selected as one of the BIM Organisations 2020.










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CIC BIM Competition 2019 Awardees Sharing Session

CIC organized its first BIM Competition under the theme “BIM for design collaboration” in 2019. An Awardees Sharing Session was held on 18 Jan 2020 at CIC BIM Space.

As the recipient of 1st Runner-up in the Open Category, representatives from our company shared with the audience how to fully utilise the BIM technology to create a functional and aesthetic design.







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A.C.I.D. received Grand Award in HKIBIM Award 2019 Consulting Firm Category

HKIBIM Award 2019 presents a valuable opportunity for industry professionals to showcase their efforts and achievements in promoting the use of BIM.  The Award is divided into four categories: Employer, Consulting firms, Contractor and Academic institution / Training centres.

The Award presentation ceremony was successfully held on 9 January 2020 at New World Millennium, Hong Kong.   A.C.I.D. was one of the recipients of Grand Award in Consulting Firm Category.


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The buildingSMART International Standards Summit Beijing 2019

The buildingSMART International Standards Summit unveiled yesterday at The China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing, China.  With the theme “Towards a Digital Future”, the 4-day conference’s focus is on BIM standards, application, training and use in the AECO industry.

An Alliance HKABAEIMA (composed of HKIBIM, HKICBIM and GISA) has been formed to join BuildingSmart International as the Hong Kong Chapter.

Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., is one of the Hong Kong participants of the event.









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Autodesk University China 2019

Autodesk University China 2019 was held on 10-11 September at Zhuhai International Convention & Exhibition Center with the topic “The Future of Making”.

The 2-day event consists of Summit Forum and 5 Master Forums for various industries – Architecture, Engineering & Construction, Design & Manufacturing, Media & Entertainment, AUTOCAD and Forge.

Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was one of the speakers in the Architecture Master Forum in Sep 11 morning.  He discussed the application of artificial intelligence in generative design and big data design.   Six colleagues from Hong Kong office also participated in the event.





Group Photo_AU China 2019





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Applications of BIM in the Construction Industry

Organized by Advanced Technovation Limited, a one-day course titled “Applications of BIM in the Construction Industry” was held on 26 Aug 2019 at The Cityview. Two of the staff from A.C.I.D. were invited as instructors of the course.  Mr David Fung discussed on the topic “Latest BIM technologies and practices for construction and engineering projects” and Miss Annie Cheng shared her experiences on BIM applications in building services installations.







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HKIS CPD – BIM Misconception and BIM Automation in Surveying

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors organizes mandatory Continuing Professional Development events for its members.  On 8 July 2019, Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was invited to have a sharing on the topic:  “BIM Misconception and BIM Automation in Surveying”.


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A.C.I.D. awarded 1st Runner-up in the Open Category of CIC BIM Competition Award

CIC BIM Competition 2019 aims to promote BIM technology to the tertiary students and practitioners in Hong Kong through a collaborative and competitive learning approach.  With the theme “BIM for design collaboration”, participants are required to prepare a design for redeveloping a campus into a “Digital Design & Construction Centre”.  The competition is divided into two categories: Open Category and Tertiary Student Category.  The award presentation ceremony was held at CIC BIM Space on 16 June 2019.

A team from our company awarded 1st Runner-up in the Open Category.


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