• hongkong@a-c-i-d.com

  • +852 3468 5250

  • +852 9464 3243

  • +852 3585 5599


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CIC Fuzor Training Course

Construction Industry Council (CIC) organised a 2-day BIM Course (Design, Analysis, Construction Management and Collaboration) – Fuzor training course at its Kowloon Bay Training Centre. The first class was held on 14 June 2019.


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buildingSMART International – Board, SAC and International Council Meetings

buildingSMART International – Board, SAC and International Council Meetings was held in Helsinki, Finland in 4-6 June 2019.

The International Council provides attendees with buildingSMART International updates including CEO report, solutions and standards update and marketing and communications progress.  There is also a financial reporting function and presentations from cross-chapter initiatives.

The Board and Strategic Advisory Council meetings comprise board members and strategic advisers. It helps to formulate the focus for the coming year and reflects on the work done the year before.

The Chapter Conference is a full day’s agenda with multiple presentations and topics. During the Panel Discussion: Managing Growth session, chapter leaders and invited guests from Canada, China, Japan, Germany and Finland discussed on the development of open BIM Standards.

Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., also participated in this event.


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Autodesk 2020 Solutions Launch

Autodesk 2020 Solutions Launch – Future of Making was held on 17 May 2019 at Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers.  Update on various industries were introduced during the event, including architecture, engineering, construction, infrastructure, media and entertainment. Some presentations were also delivered by industry practitioners. Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was one of the speakers and he presented on the topic “The Missing Piece – BIM Auditing”.








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First batch of CIC-Certified BIM Managers

To ensure the competency of BIM practitioners and the quality of local BIM training programmes, Construction Industry Council (CIC) has introduced the BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes. The scheme is for the BIM practitioners who have relevant practical experience in BIM, meet the relevant academic and/or professional qualification requirements and have completed a CIC-accredited BIM Manager Course. On 23 April 2019, the first batch of 29 CIC-Certified BIM Managers were presented the certificates on CIC BIM Space Opening Ceremony.

Mr. David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., is also one of the first batch of CIC-Certified BIM Managers.


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buildingSMART International Standards Summit

buildingSMART International Standards Summit was held at from 25-28 March 2019 at Hilton Hotel, Düsseldorf, Germany. Participants from international BIM community will meet to work on manufacturer-neutral and open standards for BIM and other digital tools and methods for the construction industry.  The 17th buildingSMART User Day was held at the same location on 29 March 2019. There were more than 35 lectures and presentations in which current and user-related aspects of BIM and digital methods and tools were addressed.

Mr. David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D. also participated in this event.


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The buildingSMART International Standards Summit, Dusseldorf, Germany 25-28th March 2019




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Kitemark Certificate Presentation Ceremony

A.C.I.D. Hong Kong has been awarded the PAS 1192-2:2013 BIM Level 2 Certification by British Standards Institution (BSI) in November 2018.  The certification presentation ceremony was held at BSI Hong Kong office on Dec 7 afternoon. Mr Enoch Lee, General Manager of BSI Hong Kong, presented the Kitemark Certificate to Mr David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D.





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Annual Dinner Gathering 2018

The Annual Dinner Gathering of Hong Kong office was held on Dec 14 at Nichi Etsu Japanese Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui.


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HKIBIM Annual Conference 2018

The HKIBIM Annual Conference provides an opportunity to network with BIM professionals from leading organizations and learn from the experiences of local and international speakers.  Under the title “Ten Years of Matching BIM Minds: Realising the Future of BIM. Where does BIM go?”, the event this year was held at The Wave, Kwun Tong on 5 December 2018. It also served as a kick off celebration for the Institute’s tenth anniversary.

A.C.I.D. took part in the event as one of the Conference Silver sponsors.  Moreover, our Managing Director, Mr David Fung was one of the speakers and he presented on the topic “Is Clash Detection the final BIM deliverable? A rethink of the Clash Detection – C-Drive”.


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Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2018

The presentation ceremony of annual Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards was held on 26 October 2018 at Hotel ICON.

Housing Authority’s New BIM Standard and Guideline “Setting a New BIM Standard for Hong Kong” has been presented the Pioneer of BIM Award.  There are two breakthroughs in this BIM guide: The entire guide is centered on a “Purpose Driven BIM” approach to ensue that the means (modeling input) are driven by the ends (various BIM implementation output like statutory submissions, etc); Most BIM Guides are either too general or too technical. The HABIMSG bridges this gap and provide comprehensive guidance for all members of a project team, from managers to technicians, to implement BIM from start to finish.

As the BIM partner of the project, A.C.I.D. would like to congratulate Hong Kong Housing Authority for the demonstration of great effort in BIM adoption.


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ISO/TC59/SC13, TC10/SC8 China Expert Committee Inaugural Meeting

Organized by China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research,  the International BIM Standard High-end Forum and ISO/TC59/SC13, TC10/SC8 China Expert Committee Inaugural Meeting has been held in Beijing on 24 October 2018.  Industry professionals from overseas introduced ISO International Standards while China representatives discussed the development of BIM standard in China.

Inaugural meeting for China Expert Committee was also held during the event.  Mr David Fung, our managing Director is also a member of the committee.


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