• hongkong@a-c-i-d.com

  • +852 3468 5250

  • +852 9464 3243

  • +852 3585 5599


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AIAB Annual Conference

The AIAB Annual Conference was held at Cordis Hong Kong on December 11, 2015.  BIM experts from local building and construction industry shared their valuable experiences and views on using Building Information Modeling (BIM) in their project workflow.  The presentation topic of Mr. David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D. was Unleash the “I” in BIM.

A.C.I.D. also participated in this event.  Guests of the event were invited to use the BIM viewers to visualize virtual reality and augmented reality.










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BIM & Smart City Summit Forum in Qianhai, Shenzhen

The “BIM & Smart City” Summit Forum was held on 5 December 2015 at Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub in Qianhai, Shenzhen. 

“Cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong” was the theme of the event, in which Government representatives, professionals and scholars had in-depth discussion from the construction and development perspectives in building a Smart City.

Mr. David Fung, Chairman of HKIBIM and Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was one of the speakers of the Forum.



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Chairman of A.C.I.D. presented on HKIBIM-CIC Hong Kong BIM Conference

HKIBIM-CIC Hong Kong BIM Conference 2015 was successfully held yesterday at The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.  Experts were invited to share their views and experiences on the implementation of BIM in the building and construction industry.  As one of the speakers of the conference, Mr. Qu Changsheng, Chairman of Advanced Construction Information Development Ltd. delivered a speech on the topic “From BIM to CIM, From Earth to Door”.






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Virtual Design & Construction Conference in Shenzhen

Mr. David Fung, Managing Director of A.C.I.D., was invited to deliver a speech in Virtual Design & Construction Conference on 12 November 2015 in Shenzhen.  The topic he presented was “Influence of Design Tools on Architecture”.







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HKIPM-HKIBIM Joint Conference BIM in Project Management

Jointly organized by Hong Kong Institute of Project Management and The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling, the conference was held on 28 October 2015 at Asia World Expo.

Four speakers shared their valuable opinions and experiences on “BIM in Project Management”. Mr. David Fung, Chairman of HKIBIM and Managing Director of A.C.I.D., presented on the topic “BIPM”.



20151028_HKIPM-HKIBIM Joint Conference 2015_02



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First HKIBIM Certified Expert Examination

The first BIM Certified Expert Level I Examination accredited by HKIBIM was successfully held on 26 Sept 2015 at IVE BIM Centre. Two categories including CEI Basic (ArchiCAD) and CEI Basic (Revit) are available.








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Focus Group Meeting for CIBSE-HKIE-PolyU Research on BIM

To promote the adoption of BIM in the Building Services Engineering industry in Hong Kong, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers – Hong Kong Branch, the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers – Building Services Division and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University commenced a collaborative research study. A focus group meeting was held on 18 September 2015.

Mr. David Fung, as a representative of HKIA, shared his experiences of BIM application and exchanged his views on the usefulness, benefits and difficulties in using BIM with other participants. Various ways of promoting the implementation of BIM were also discussed during the meeting.



Focus Group Meeting for CIBSE-HKIE-PolyU Research on BIM_01_01

Focus Group Meeting for CIBSE-HKIE-PolyU Research on BIM_02_01

Focus Group Meeting for CIBSE-HKIE-PolyU Research on BIM_03_01




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A.C.I.D. Started Partnership with Fuzor

A.C.I.D. has started its partnership with Kalloc’s Fuzor to develop more functioning platform to facilitate the construction industry.  The latest Fuzor 2016 representing a breakthrough in project collaboration.








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Global BIM & Development – Workshop Seminar

ICES-bSHK BIM Centre of Excellence organized a three-day “Global BIM & Development” – Workshop Seminar on 7-9 September 2015 at the Hong Kong Science Park. As the Chairman of HKIBIM, our Managing Director Mr. David Fung was invited to have a presentation on the topic “From BIM to FM”.


ICES-bSHK BIM Center of Excellence 3-day seminar at HKSP_02   ICES-bSHK BIM Center of Excellence 3-day seminar at HKSP_01





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Heritage Information Modelling – Victoria Peak Fire Station awarded Autodesk BIM Awards 2015

The Autodesk BIM Awards celebrate building industry professionals and educators who are helping to drive the transformation of the building industry through the usage of BIM, and who help shape the industry evolve to a more efficient and sustainable era.

Awards were presented to the organizations which demonstrate the innovative use of BIM in the building design decision, green and sustainable design decisions, creative use of the information in BIM as well as business practice transformation in building and civil projects. The award presentation ceremony was held on 28 August 2015 at The Mira Hotel, Hong Kong.


Mr. Ma Siu-cheung, Eric, Under Secretary for Development, Development Bureau was the Guest of Honour and Awards Presenter

Mr. Ma Siu-cheung, Eric, Under Secretary for Development, Development Bureau was the Guest of Honour and Awards Presenter

Heritage Information Modelling – Victoria Peak Fire Station by Architectural Services Department was chosen to be a winner of Autodesk BIM Awards 2015 -Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.  This project is a good demonstration of applying BIM to integrate heritage information and current building information for multiple building uses, and leveraging ICT technologies and innovations to showcase the usages and benefits of heritage information modelling that can enhance interactions and communications among the people involved with the building.

As the BIM partner of the project, A.C.I.D. would like to congratulate Architectural Services Department for the demonstration of great effort in BIM project adoption.

